WOW girlfriend – what a year! The last 2 years has been the most interesting years of most peoples lives – and while some people write years off – wish for the new year to come around quickly -the reality is – this is your life. The ups and the downs – you learn from it. You grow from it. Don’t wish it away. There is always something that made you smile. Something that made you laugh. Something to be grateful for. So here it is – the ups and downs of 2021. My 2021 recap.
Here’s a recap of my 2021

January started by finding out we had not 1 miracle baby inside but 2. WOW – I cried. I cried so hard – I was so worried. How in the hell was I going carry 2 babies – how was I going to look after 2 babies. I came around to the idea and embraced the miracle of 2 little rainbows joining our family.

Whilst in the break of a lockdown I hosted my first Figure Babes workout in the Park and had an absolute ball. I flew to Canberra with Harper – and wouldn’t have released this was the last time I would see my dad until November.
February saw Chris & I holiday in Hamilton Island sans kids – a belated first anniversary trip. It was bliss. We are massive travel lovers – I mean my other business is a travel agency. Like the rest of Australia we hadn’t been on a holiday in over a year. We also snuck in a trip to the beautiful Ridge House in Yarragon with friends – amidst my first of what would be 1 of 4 sinus infections this pregnancy. They were tough. Valentines weekend came and we were forced into a 5 day snap lockdown. We took the opportunity to potty train Harper and she was a champion at it. Check out my blog on Potty Training here.
The 5 days was just that – however if only we knew – in a few of weeks – another snap lockdown would turn into months of lockdowns again – 2020 on repeat.
Oh the dreaded lockdowns again
March arrived and so did the joy of finding out we were having 2 boys….or were we. Chris was so happy- we sold or gave away all Harpers old clothes. We got a few outings in before we were back into lockdown at the end of March.
During this time we had to decide on a new car and a new house with 2 little bundles on the way – we had no choice but to upgrade both. In a small break in lockdown Harper also had her first Pony ride which she absolutely loved. We also manage to get to Canberra for Easter.
As my belly grew – so did our stress of selling and buying a house.

April arrived and we sold our house within 2 weeks. We couldn’t believe it – we had also found a house around the corner that we fell in love with. April also mean the start of filming my Pregnancy workouts and launching my new brand Fit by the Figure. I am so proud of this brand and being able to help women stay fit through their pregnancies. April also meant we found out that we actually didn’t have 2 boys in my belly – but 1 girl and 1 boy. Confused, a little annoyed and disappointed at first – we came around to the idea. It came to me in a dream that maybe my OB had got it wrong and mothers instincts – as we discovered are never wrong.
no place like home…..or not home
May found us living out of a tiny airbnb while we had settled on our sale but waiting for our house to be ready. What a trying time that was – 2 adults and toddler and 2 cats in a tiny little air bnb but WOW did we find the positives. Being so close to the ocean – being able to walk Harper to daycare – we definitely will remember it. My proud moment was running 10km in the Mother’s Day classic 20 weeks pregnant with the twins. An odd event in the middle of a semi lockdown – it was awesome to have Harper at the finish line.
Towards the end of May we finally moved into our new house – not entirely finished but it was ours. 4 bedrooms – 3.5 bathrooms – a bigger garden. Ready for our new arrivals.
New home

June we got our new car – one we thought would be big enough (we were going to learn haha) A Hyundai Santa Fe. Trimester 3 pregnancy workouts were filmed – and I was getting BIG. A cancelled retreat – which was really sad- I’d put so much time and effort into organising it – restrictions meant I could still make the most of the location with 1 friend.
As July approached we were worried my parents would not be allowed to cross the border when the babies arrived. We have no family here – so needed all the help we could get. Exemptions were rejected – we were going to have to go at it alone. We were able to get a photo shoot in, a little baby shower and a couple of little outings with Harper – as the last as a family of 3. But as my due day approached – restrictions got tighter.
Another birthday in lockdown – I was 36 weeks pregnant so as long as the babies didn’t steal my birthday I was happy.

We welcome our beautiful babies on the 18th August – what a whirl wind that was. Beau coming out so calmly then the trauma that was Harlow entering the world – far smaller than we knew and we then experienced 2 weeks of pain as we left our babies in hospital to get stronger. Backwards and forwards to the hospital every day to see our newest additions.
Harper’s birthday party once again was canceled due to lockdown – but you would never have known. She had the best day at home.
September found me pumping like a cow and getting in to a routine as a family of 5 (well 7 with the kitties). Recovering from the c-section was taking it’s toll. The stress of pumping and breastfeeding also putting me in to a bad mindset which I needed to get out of. Chris decided to run 5km every day in September – Lockdown had him needing a goal – he smashed it – under 4 mins km’s the crazy kid. September was the month Chris and I both got vaccinated as well.
Groundhog Day
October was much the same – lockdown with new born twins meant home life was busy. At 6 weeks postpartum I stopped exclusively pumping and moved to mix feeding. I felt so much better for it and the babies thrived. I was proud. Chris decided to smash out a half marathon after a 3am argument one morning and I decided I would run the half in December. I started filming my postpartum workouts in October – so excited to help women get strong again. A little family photo shoot at the end of the month made my heart sing, as well as seeing Harper get dressed up as a witch for Halloween.
November we finally came out of lockdown and friends were able to meet the twins, my bestie had her hens, and life started feeling kinda normal again. I launched my water bottles and continued running and felt stronger every day. Mid November my Dad and step mom came to visit. There were tears of joy. Meeting the twins and playing with Harper. My heart was full. The twinnies started sleeping through at 12 weeks which meant sleep was back on the cards.
december already

Before we knew it – it was December. We had our Christmas family photo shoot, socialised more, decorated our new house and Harper started gymnastics. The Christmas spirit was alive and well.
My bestie got married and I got to see my mum and step dad for the first time since June. It was a beautiful weekend. It was also the weekend I ran my first half marathon post twins – in a time I was so proud of. 16 weeks postpartum at 5mins 7 sec/km. I was stoked. Even more stoked to run it with not only, my mum, one of my besties but a group of women who I’d coached or inspired to get running.

My dad and step mum arrived for Christmas which was so beautiful. The lead up was so nice – they were incredibly helpful with the babies and Chris and I got a date night. Christmas Day was so relaxed until the worst day of our lives hit. Our beautiful pussy cat – Poshy was missing. We would find her boxing day – gone from us forever. Our hearts broke into a thousand pieces.
As December 31 approaches – we are trying to stay positive. Find the good – remember her life as one of love and fun. To look at the highs of the year – our twins, our house, my business growing. Chris & I are forever grateful for another year together with our little clan. All we have achieved. We may be a family member down – but I know she is watching over us. We will enter 2022 as a team as we always do, with goals and dreams that we will make sure come true.
all the love and wishes to you
I hope you do the same. Never regret a day, never stop dreaming. Take the good with the bad. Find the good in people. Be grateful for good fortunes and what we have. Manifest the shit out of what you want – put in the effort, fall down 7 times get up 8. Don’t give up – because I promise you it’s worth it.
I wish you all the best for a happy and healthy end to 2021 and here’s to an absolutely amazing 2022.