Who needs some Christmas Health & Fitness tips to stay mentally strong & physically fit
Ok girlfriend – it’s December – which means – more drinks, more eating out, more parties, more BBQ’s, more chores & what feels like less time to do anything else. It can be a little overwhelming to be honest – and whilst we all love over indulging at the time – and tell ourselves – it’ll be right – once New Year is over – I’ll get straight back into it – the reality is – most of us really struggle to get our ass’s back in to gear and start the new year feeling tired, bloated, lacking energy and deflated. The post holiday blues if you will combined with a lack in confidence all at once.

Believe it or not it is 100% possible to enjoy this festive time of year, indulge in your favourite Christmas treats, have a few drinks without completely ruining any progress you had going or feeling like a melting snowman. Prioritising your health is so important every single day of the year. Here are my top Christmas Health & Fitness tips while getting festive without starting 2021 feeling like you want to crawl into a hole. Remember – one hot day doesn’t make as summer (unless you live in England) which means don’t let that one day of enjoying all the fruits of Christmas ruin the week.
- Keep MOVING: Yes girlfriend – schedule in that workout, that walk. WRITE IT IN YOUR DIARY – and make it happen. Maybe up your reps, push that bit harder – do extra steps, get that heart rate up a little more. Remember within 10-15 minutes those endorphins will start to release & automatically you’ll have more energy, more patience, feel more accomplished & be in a better frame of mind to make smarter decisions & choices. Always work out on the day of an event – it’ll set you up mentally feeling strong.
- Work out when you have events on and plan your nutrition accordingly. For example – know you have a dinner Friday, a lunch Saturday & another dinner Sunday. Aim to eat a little less for your other meals to compensate the extra calories. Friday breaky maybe 1 piece of toast with 1 egg – rather than the usual 2. Maybe you have a smaller snack, maybe you downsize your lunch that day and always make sure you’re drinking enough water to stay hydrated.
- You don’t need to have 3 Christmas Mince pies at Karen’s party. Step away from the buffet – I mean physically distance yourself. Hanging around a table full of food is just asking for trouble. Have 1 – really enjoy it – taste every mouthful & use your discipline.
- Remember alcohol has calories. It is also high in sugar so is a depressant so pacing yourself & asking yourself do you really need that last one – or could you substitute for water is a great habit to get into. At the time it’s easy to continue but always remember – what will future self feel like? You’ll feel a whole lot better mentally & physically if you wake up knowing and feeling fresh. One water per one drink – that’s the rule – and 500ml before bed.
- Get back on the horse – don’t let one day of indulging turn into the whole month. Hindsight is 20/20 – don’t be that gal.
- The days you haven’t got events on – be as clean as possible with your nutrition and get moving. You have a small amount of control over your metabolic rate – which means the more protein you get into your diet, the more you move – the more you will burn at rest.
You got this babe
Remember that good food and exercise FUEL your brain and therefore your mental health. This is NOT about what you look like – but about how you FEEL. It’s all well and good to gain a couple of extra kg’s over Christmas babe – we all do – but the reason we struggle come new year is because our mental health is low. We haven’t been producing all our happy hormones and finding the motivation seems too hard. Breaking habits is so much easier than creating them – so don’t break them to start with. Make 2021 different – start January on a high – feeling strong, committed & healthy.
Want that extra inspiration – why not join Fit By The Figure. That way you have zero excuses to work out. Train from anywhere – do some yoga – feel amazing.
Make sure you’re following me over on Instagram @thefigure_ to keep inspired, happy & for more tips over the most fun time of year.
Remember girlfriend – ENJOY yourself – take time for you, look after YOU, smile & fill your heart!
Love and Life,